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Thoughts & Inspiration


As you may know, I had the opportunity to spend 12 hot days in Gainesville, Georgia for World Race training camp. Training camp is designed to prepare racers spiritually, physically, and mentally for the adventure that lies ahead. While I can’t recap all that the Lord did in those grueling yet refreshing days, I do want to share a few stories, as well as a few pictures, with you. In Revelation we’re told that we are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. Our stories of the workings of the Holy Spirit contain power, because that’s what he is – power. So, grab a coke and buckle up…we’re headed to Gainesville!


God’s Got a Pretty Good Understanding of What He’s Doing


Training camp Day One. Nearly 200 racers from all over the nation arrived in humid Georgia. All of us, drenched in sweat and slightly nauseated by the thought of using Porta Potties for nearly 2 weeks. Nerves and butterflies filled my head and belly as the time came to meet my squad and team. For weeks I had been fearful that the people in my squad weren’t going to like me or that I wouldn’t fit in with everyone else. Considering that these people were both my family, friends, and church for the next nine months, it was slightly important that we bond.  I knew I would meet my team, 7 girls I would be in constant ministry with, on the first day and that STRESSED ME OUT. How did Adventures in Missions know who was going to work well together? Shouldn’t they see how we interact with each other before tossing us in a group? Nope. Little did I know, I was already assigned, no ordained, to be in this particular circle long before I ever arrived. As more people flooded into our little Squad B camp site, I grew more and more nervous about my team. The people I hoped would be on my team weren’t, and the ones I wasn’t quite sure about were! (MY APOLOGIES, TEAM ABUNDANCE, I SHOULDN’T HAVE HAD DOUBTS ABOUT YOU LOVELY LADIES!!!) Even through the doubts, it kept being impressed on me that there was a purpose for my team assignment. And man, oh man did God know what He was doing! My team is a group of God-fearing and Kingdom-bringing women of faith. Each day we grew as a team. As we began to let our walls fall down and our hearts open up, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Anointed, set aside, purposed- these are words that I think of when I think of these girls. Watch out world, we step out in faith and respond in obedience. Training camp is just the beginning for this team!





From idunno to Daughter


Identity can be a tricky thing. And if I’m being honest, it was something I didn’t even know I was struggling with until camp. One night during worship I felt the Lord ask me to stop singing and dancing (as I often do during worship) and to sit, be still, and listen. Because I’m trying to be more obedient and sensitive to the Lord in this season, I did as I was told. Me in my ugly basketball shorts fell to the floor expectant and ready to listen. While on my knees I received a vision that I was standing before God and He leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. As His lips left my face, the word “Daughter” took their place. A reminder, like a tattoo, was left on my forehead. Not only was daughter there to stand as a token of my identity, but also as a testament to others of who I am, but also of whose I am. This vision not only helped solidify my identity, but it also forced me to evaluate myself. Was I presenting myself in the way a daughter of the King should? Were my actions, as a daughter, reflecting well on the Father? That night, and that vision were the beginning of a shift in me, a Holy  Spirit directed self-evaluation that was much needed. As sheep, stupid, stupid sheep, we sometimes don’t realize when we stray. But oh, how thankful I am that the Lord, my Shepherd, knows immediately when I have gone astray. I’m forever grateful that He leaves His flock of 99 to pursue and bring me back in, regardless of how far I’ve gone… and regardless of the number of briar patches He has to cut through to get to me.

The next day, a leader of my squad, Austin Ulsh, presented me with a beautiful key necklace he said he felt called to make for me. And of course, on the key the word Daughter was pressed. As I continue to wear this reminder of belonging around my neck, I see myself differently – a chosen, image-bearer of the King. However, I also notice a beautiful shift in the way I see others. If I can be a daughter, a hand-selected heir of Christ, then I know others have also been chosen. Ordinary people are beginning to look different. No longer are they strangers, but sons. Not only are they just passers-by, but daughters…just like me.


Stay tuned for part 2 of stories from training camp!

4 responses to “stories from the field…a field in georgia that is”

  1. Ahhh, I asked you what word was on your key. So cool to read the story behind the word. Really good to meet you at launch. Thank you for the special hug before we left. You and Team Abundance will be in my prayers daily. Hugs to you, sweet daughter of the King!

  2. This is amazing!!!! I am so proud of what the Lord is doing your life!!!! ??

  3. “Annointed, set aside, purposed” what powerful, powerful words. It is no accident your on the race, it is no accident you’re on that squad, it is no accident you are on that team.
    It is also no accident that the word Austin put on your key was daughter.
    There are far fewer coincidences and far more works of the HolySpirit than the average christian is willing to let themself see or believe.
    So encouraging to see the eyes of your heavy being opened.

  4. The Daughter key will no doubt be one of many many moments when God will touch you deeply and directly. You amaze me and I love, love, love you my beauty!