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Hello friends! I am so excited that you all have found my page and decided to follow me on this journey! Before the chaos and excitement of the race unfolds, I wanted to take a second and introduce myself to you!

I am currently 19 years old, but by the time I launch for WRGY I will be a whopping 20 years old. I am from Huntsville Alabama, Rocket City USA, and I say roll tide with the best of them. I graduated high school from Westminster Christian Academy in 2017. In high school, I was a part of the marching band and wind ensemble, though I wasn’t very good at playing my instrument. 

After high school I went to the school of my dreams- Liberty University. Although my time at Liberty was short-lived, I met some of the greatest people and made some of the greatest memories during my time in Virginia. While at Liberty, I had the wonderful opportunity to grow and heal and mature into the woman God was leading me to be, and I am beyond thankful for every second. 

I am not longer at Liberty for a few reasons, all of which I wrote on friend’s blog, which I will link below! Look, it’s kind of a long story, but it’s an important one that I know that I will be referring to often. Plus, the owner of the blog is one of the most fantastic people I’ve ever met, and you owe yourself a visit and an introduction to her creative mind. (Here’s the link! Check it!

Being back in Huntsville has taught me many things. I’ve learned things about myself, about others, and about the Reverent God. I have learned to surrender my plans and selfish ambitions for the dreams He had for me that I didn’t even know existed. I am now at a community college, wrapping up my general education classes, and waiting for the adventure of a lifetime to begin. 

I want to go ahead and say thank you, friends, for joining me on this journey.For every prayer that has, or will be spoken. For every dollar that has or will be donated. It is because of you all that I am able to chase this plan that the Lord has for me. It is because of your faithfulness and obedience that I am able to be faithful and obedient. And let me tell you folk, I can feel the Holy Spirit about to move. Not just in me, not just in the people I’ll meet across the world, but also to those of you who are choosing to support me. Because of your undying support, I want to give back to you in the form of stories. Stories of the mighty hand of God, stories of the blessings he continues to bestow upon His children, stories of real and genuine hardships, and stories of redemption and grace. So I hope you’ll stick around. I hope you stay close and expect our God to do big things, like He always does. Grab your chacos and a coke and lets go on an adventure.

Before I go, heres a few pictures and fun facts about me! (I just love pictures and fun facts!)

-I have a full head of natural curly blonde hair (y’all be praying for my hair as I leave for the WRGY, she is a coddled and entitled mess.)

-My very favorite color is yellow, like sunshine 🙂

-I was in both Army ROTC and Marching Band at Liberty (I was a very tired human)


-I own 4 pairs of chacos and intend to wear them every single day of the race

-I have 6 incredible siblings, 1 of which is biological and the other 5 are step (BUT I LOVE THEM JUST THE SAME!)


-I was able to shadow in the Operating Room a few times in high school and I saw a brain surgery!

-I want to be a nurse someday

-I LOVE the Office, Grey’s Anatomy, Parks and Recreation, Riverdale…I’ll stop there

-My mother is one of my very best friends 

-SPEAKING of best friends, the Lord has blessed me with some absolutely incredible individuals. I would show you pictures, but there are just too many people that have impacted my life to post them all!

-People say I’m pretty funny. And I think they are absolutely right.

-I have a very fat cat named Prince that I ADORE.

-I write poetry!

That should be enough for now. By the time this shindig is over, I think you guys will know me a little better than you ever dreamed possible. 

I love you all, talk to you soon!



2 responses to “about jessa!”

  1. (2 Thessalonians 3:1-3)
    Praying that THE WORD of THE LORD will have Free Course, and Be Glorified with You.
    That THE LORD will Protect You, Establish, and Guard You as You Serve HIM.
    Miss Tonita

  2. Hi Jessa,
    Your Dad gave me your website, I am missing you at the gym. I am exciited for your mission and I pray God continues to cover you with the blood of Jesus. I will continue to follow you on your adventure. Jackie