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if you know anything about me, you’ll know how adamant I am about a good, complementary refill. I mean lets face it, if I paid for a drink you better bet that I am going to get my money’s worth and get a refill. I can hear my friends right now complaining about me taking too long to leave a restaurant because I went back to top off my nearly-full coke. 


When B squad first pulled up to our base in Swaziland, the ground was dry. The trees were brown, and the grass, or lack there of, was dead.

It’s only rained a handful of times since we’ve been in Africa, but slowly, the ground started to regain its color. Over time trees began to blossom, and shades of green took their rightful place. By what seemed to be only mere buckets of water, life was born. With just a little water and a splash of goodness from Heaven, something incredible and beautiful was unlocked here in Swaziland. 


In many ways, when I first got here I looked a lot like the environment that surrounded me. The things I had allowed myself to be rooted in were no longer providing me with the nutrients I needed to survive. I was living out of a place of lack, rather than out of a state of abundance. I was thirsty for something that, for once, an ice cold Cocoa Cola couldn’t quench. 


I wish I could explain to you how it happened, or put to words how it has felt, but all I can say is that month two has been a big ole refill. In some of the smallest, yet most impactful ways, the Lord has been explaining to me the extent of His love. The joy I thought I found in the Lord has deepened, and my cup is overflowing for sure. Although there are often still days of hardship, I am learning to choose joy. Let’s not get it twisted… this choosing joy thing is a process. There are times when I cling to bitterness, sadness, and grumbling, but I am seeing the Lord in a way that is so tangible it is far easier to place these things directly into His hand. 


Nowadays in my quiet time, I like to go to a secret place with the Lord. One that only He and I can truly see, one that is just constructed by the walls of my mind. A few days ago when I entered into this secret place with the Lord, He showed me a row of trees. As the Father and I danced, the trees began to blossom the most beautiful pink and white flowers. It was then that He told me in the gentlest of tones, that I am a flower in blossom, and that everyday I am growing in beauty. 


With just a few drops of the love of God, the brownest and deadest parts of myself are blooming in magnificence. Imagine what would grow with a little more rain, time and faithfulness on my part! All I can say, friends, is that it is only month two of this incredible journey, and I’m praying for a monsoon. 


13 responses to “refill”

  1. I love you Jessa you are a strong young woman you are in my prayers honey keep on keeping on lovey ????

  2. Oh my sweet! I have been blessed to wake up to this, this beautiful message of yours! I love how you’re able to take the environment around you and compare it to the environment within you. The Lord is touching you and you are touching others through Him, both there in person and through your writings. You’re touching those you’ve gone to minister to as well as those who are supporting you…what a full circle! His Living Water, though a sprinkle or a monsoon, is truly enough! I love you, I’m beyond proud of you. Go & continue to do beautiful things! 🙂

  3. I’m so happy for you! All the things the Lord is doing through you and for you is truly amazing. I pray he continues to work in your life and I hope you allow yourself to open up to him and experience all the blessings he has for you during this time! I love you and I’m praying for you! Thank you for being a light in so many lives, especially mine! 🙂

  4. You have a way with words. You are definitely blooming. Keep running hard this race marked out for you…you have so many people cheering you on. I’m proud of you. You are in my prayers. Love you!

  5. Jessa- what a beautiful story! You are a wonderful writer and I can see the great story He is writing with you on this journey! Keep seeking Him and know that you are dearly loved and cheered on by your family in NC! We love you!
    Love- Kim

  6. You certainly are beautiful… and a beautiful writer to weave the stories in these blog posts the way you do! Praying for a monsoon with you! Love you, girl!

    p.s. I’d like to think you got the complimentary refill thing from me. 🙂

  7. Soooo encouraging!
    Give up . . dive in . . . let Jesus continue to have His way.
    That is a great word picture you painted. Reminds me that we never outgrow the need for a refill.
    Love you, miss you